Successful applicants
Successful applicants are required to complete a contract with the Historic Houses Foundation and provide regular updates. We generally pay the grant after the project is complete.
Successful applicants
If your Historic Houses Foundation application is successful then you will be required to complete a contract with us before we can make any grant payments.
• A letter from the HHF to you offering the grant ('the Offer Letter').
• The standard terms and conditions of the grant
• A copy of the Offer Letter countersigned by you to indicate acceptance of the grant.
• Set out the arrangements for public access.
• Cover any publicity requirements.
• Confirm that the Historic Houses Foundation's standard terms and conditions apply.
It may also set out any variations to the standard terms and conditions, and /or impose any additional or special conditions.
Paying the grant
The Historic Houses Foundation normally pays the whole grant when the project has been completed and the monitoring requirements set out in the standard terms and conditions have been met. However, if you can demonstrate a need for more frequent or earlier payments then we will consider alternative payment arrangements, including stage payments.
We will discuss the payment arrangements with you in more detail prior to making you the offer and whatever we agree will be included in your Offer Letter.
Please note that we can only make payments for the work we have agreed to fund in the Offer Letter. Any variation must first be agreed in writing. We offer grants on the basis that all work is liable to VAT, unless you tell us that you are able to reclaim some or all of the VAT, or that the work will be zero-rated.
We strongly recommend you seek professional advice before you submit your application.
If your application for a Historic Houses Foundation grant is successful, we will require you to keep us informed of works taking place on the site.
We will require regular written reports and may also require visits from Historic Houses Foundation staff and Trustees.
Our monitoring requirements are set out in the Standard Terms and Conditions.
Apply for a grant
If you think your proposed project qualifies for a Historic Houses Foundation grant and would like to apply use the link below.

“This HHF funded project will be transformational, ensuring the long-term sustainability and integrity of Wick Court.”
— Vanessa Fox, Farms for City Children at Wick Court, Gloucestershire —